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Grafton Township News - Spring 2024

Writer's picture: Grafton Township Grafton Township

Grafton Township News

Spring 2024 Edition

Cemetery Cleanup During Mowing Season

During the mowing season, grave decorations that are not affixed to monuments will be removed approximately 2 weeks after each holiday.  This includes but is not limited to plant hooks, solar lights, plastic flowers, etc.  Gravel or stones of any type are not permitted around the any type of marker.  An item located next to a head/footstone prevents the mowers from mowing over the stone, leads to weed whacking, & creates extra work.  If there are decorations you would like to keep, please pick them up a week after the holiday.  Easter decorations will be removed on or before April 15th. 


Dumpster Days

Dumpster days will be held Friday May 3rd from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. & Saturday May 4th from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  It is only for Grafton Township residents.  Construction materials such as concrete, asphalt, bricks, or foundation stones cannot be accepted.  Some items (e.g., electronics, fluorescent lights, hazardous materials, paint, etc.) may need to be taken to the Lorain County Solid Waste Management District’s Collection Center located at 540 South Abbe Road in Elyria.  They are open Mondays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Wednesdays from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., & Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  For more information, please visit their website you plan to bring a long item (e.g., (pipe, lumber, drain tile, etc.) to dumpsters days, please cut it into shorter lengths; it will be easier to handle (will fit in the loader buckets so it doesn't fall out & need to be handled again).  Bulk pickup is included in our current trash contract.  Residents may set out a bulky item once per month at no charge.  Any resident wishing to set out bulky items more than 1 time per month should call Rumpke customer service at 800-828-8171 to schedule that since there is an extra charge.

Memorial Day Parade

The Belden Historical Society will host the 2024 Memorial Day parade on Monday, May 27th.  The parade will begin at 10:00 a.m. (line up at 9:30 a.m.) at the Grafton Township facility located at 17109 Avon Belden Road (State Route 83) & will conclude at Vets Park (corner of State Routes 303 & 83).  Refreshments will be served at the township hall following the parade.  Veterans & other participants should contact Bob Flickinger at 440-309-6210.

Safety Services

We are accepting applications for fire & EMS personnel.  For more information & to apply, please contact Chief Richards at 440-387-2498.

Reflective address numbers are available to township residents for properties located in the township.  The reflective numbers should be placed horizontally on top of mailbox posts.  If they are placed lower, snow or landscaping might cover the numbers.  Let’s make sure the fire department can easily find you if they are needed.  For more information, please call the fire department at 440-926-2166.

Trees & landscaping located too close to driveways could delay or prevent fire equipment from reaching your structure(s).  Please trim tree limbs & landscaping as needed.

Why shouldn’t vehicles park in cul-de-sacs?  If there is an emergency, vehicles parked in a cul-de-sac could prevent emergency vehicles from reaching a property.  Safety first!

Ohio Revised Code allows minimal situations where open burning is legal.  The burning of building materials, furnishings, garbage, plastics, or food containers are just a few of a large list of items that are never legal to burn.  The burning of any of these items is also illegal if burned in barrels, fireplaces, or outdoor boilers.  In response to an increase in residents who are burning on their property, the fire department will begin greater enforcement of the open burning laws.  Open burning violations can result in penalties.  For more information, please call the fire department at 440-926-2166.

Solar Eclipse

Lorain County is a main viewing area for the upcoming solar eclipse that will happen on Monday, April 8th.  To protect headstones, footstones, etc., at our cemeteries, the entrances will be blocked on Friday, April 5th.  The cemeteries will be reopened on Tuesday, April 9th.  We apologize for any inconvenience but hope you understand our intent is to protect the resting places of loved ones.

Solid Waste

Our new 5-year agreement with Rumpke begins April 1st.  Residential trash & recycling pick ups will be on Mondays instead of Wednesdays.  Service options include a 95-gallon trash cart & a 65-gallon recycling cart for $21.13 per month, a 65-gallon trash cart & a 65-gallon recycling cart for $21.13 per month, or a 35-gallon trash cart & a 65-gallon recycling cart for $17.12 per month.   To change your service level, please call Rumpke at 800-828-8171.  Mailings were sent by Rumpke the week of March 18th. 


Volunteers Needed

The 2024 Keep Lorain County Beautiful Day will be recognized on Saturday, May 18th.  This year we will return to our Vets Park, museum, & one-room schoolhouse property.  Projects include pulling weeds, trimming trees, cleaning &/or organizing in the museum & one-room schoolhouse, etc.  The projects will begin around 8:00 a.m. & will conclude on or before 12:00 p.m.  Please consider volunteering your time – even if only for an hour or 2.  Contact Christie at 216-440-2616 (phone or text) with questions.


Please ensure waterways (e.g., ditches, creeks, etc.) on your property are not blocked by debris (natural or otherwise).  It is important that water can flow.  Blockages on one property can affect other properties including roads. 

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